New Culture Northern California

What's New Culture?
New Culture seeks to build a sustainable, violence-free culture through exploring self-awareness, intimacy, transparency, radical honesty, equality, compassion, unbounded love and the power of community. New Culture is part of a larger global movement to create local communities where these principles are the new cultural norms.
We believe in the abundance of love. We work to manifest love in all its forms: self-love, unconditional love and free love. We seek and share practices and processes that bring us into presence and intimacy, thereby increasing our capacity for conscious connection. We embrace the joy that can accompany the freedom to express our love in all its forms: emotional, sensual, erotic and spiritual.
We are committed to providing a variety of options where people can learn new ways of being. We host events throughout the year including multi-day camps, Zegg Forum Facilitator training, and monthly gatherings. Our events are designed to help you question assumptions, consider new possibilities, stretch boundaries and explore new territory at your own pace. New Culture events are experiential – you get to play, not just spectate. We believe our work and play together will transform not only our small communities, but also the community of the world.